
HD Camera System - Video Monitoring

Active video monitoring systems use our HD Camera Systems with video analytics or artificial intelligence to differentiate between people, vehicles and nature. When an intrusion is detected, the system alerts trained staff at a central Video Monitoring Station, who can then monitor the live feed to determine if it's a threat or a false alarm.

Our team will help create a custom action plan for each camera so the staff can respond accordingly. If a threat is detected, the staff can intervene by: Calling the police or by speaking to the intruder directly using two-way speakers.

Active video monitoring can be used indoors or outdoors and can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional security methods like hiring security guard services.

Our Video Monitoring Services can be used to help prevent: Loitering, Illegal Dumping, Break-Ins, Car Prowlers, Vandalism, Drug Deals, Prostitution and many other.

We have multiple Video Monitoring Packages with different date and time schedules to choose from. Contact us to learn more.

Alarm System - 24/7 Monitoring

Alarm monitoring is a crucial component of a comprehensive security system for your home or business. Essentially, it involves a monitoring company overseeing your security systems, such as burglar alarms, fire alarms, or other sensors, to detect any signs of unauthorized entry, fire, carbon monoxide leaks, or other emergencies.

When an alarm is triggered, the monitoring center receives a signal and promptly initiates the necessary response, which could involve contacting emergency services like the police, fire department, or medical services. They may also attempt to reach out to designated keyholders or contacts to inform them about the situation and coordinate a response.

By having professional alarm monitoring in place, you can gain peace of mind knowing that someone is always watching over your property, ready to act swiftly in case of any potential threats or emergencies. This extra layer of protection can significantly enhance the overall security of your premises and help minimize risks and damages in critical situations.